1 Samuel 12:22
The scripture for today is 1 Samuel 12:22
1 Samuel 12:22 For the LORD will not forsake His people for His great name's sake: because it has pleased the LORD to make you His people.
Israel was influenced by the nations around them (nations they should have destroyed) and when Samuel was getting old, they demanded a king to rule over them. They insisted on a king instead of God's oversight. Rather than looking to God for a remedy to their problems, they took matters into their own hands. Their pattern of rebellion and rejection of God's instructions had been a consistent problem. Samuel, the prophet of God, was distressed at the request of the people. He felt that the people were requesting a king because they were rejecting him. "And the LORD said unto Samuel, hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto you: for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them." 1 Samuel 8:7
The love, mercy, and patience of God is demonstrated throughout the Old Testament in His treatment of Israel. In spite of their rebellion and disobedience He never completely forsook them. Even when He allowed punishment, He always took them back into His arms, forgave their lawlessness, and bestowed blessings upon them once again; they were His people. His name was upon them and they were distinct from all of the peoples on the face of the earth.
Today, as God's remnant people, we might find ourselves (like the Children of Israel) in distressful conditions that are the result of our own bad choices. We may even feel that God is giving us what we deserve. Thankfully, God doesn't give us what we deserve; He always gives us what His love and mercy require. He is a loving God and He will never abandon His little ones. He chose us to be His own. He did not choose us because we were great; He chose us because of His great love. A loving God will never abandon His loved ones, especially during their time of need. Yes, most of our wounds are self-inflicted but we are wounded nonetheless. God extends His healing power to us and asks that we come to Him, regardless of our condition, and receive His mercy and grace. He will forgive, He will heal, and He will restore us completely. Our past is not in harmony with the glorious future that He has planned for us. Let us not look backward but rather forward to the wonderful future that God has planned for His children.
God bless you as you continue in His service.