2 Samuel 22:7
The scripture for today is 2 Samuel 22:7
2 Samuel 22: 7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried out to my God; He heard my voice from His temple and my cry entered His ears.
“Constantly surrounded by perils, David came to realize, as few men have, his continual need of the protecting hand of God. Danger caused him to pray and to look to the Lord for help. The perilous life he lived helped to confirm his deep religious experience. His anxieties drew him to God and gave him a personal acquaintance with the Lord’s constant guidance and care.” The SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 2, p. 701
David knew in his heart that when he prayed, God heard his prayer. Did David see his cry enter the ears of God? No, he did not “see” God at all, but with the eyes of faith, he saw a loving and merciful God who was ever caring for him. It was because of his faith in God that David was able to stand when all seemed hopeless.
When we pray, our prayers enter the heart of God. God's heart is a forever place and His promise to answer our prayers will be kept as we stand in faith. God’s timing is not always on our schedule and He knows much better than we do what is best for us. When we pray we should believe that we have received what our hearts cry out for. When we rise up from prayer, we should rise up confident that our cries have “entered His ears” and that our deliverance is certain.
God gave David victory over his enemies, even the most powerful ones. God will do the same for each of us as we stand in faith, knowing that He has heard us and that He will answer our cry.
God bless you as you continue in His service.