Deuteronomy 5_7
October 3
Happy Wednesday Everyone,
The scripture for today is Deuteronomy 5:7
Deuteronomy 5:7 You shall have none other gods before me.
In order to bring the intent of this commandment into our daily experience we must ask ourselves this single question: Is God alone the object of our pursuit? That which we pursue becomes god to us. "Hast thou worshiped God in spirit and in truth? Hast thou proposed to thyself no end besides Him? Hath He been the end of all thy actions? Hast thou sought for any other happiness, than the knowledge and love of God? Dost thou experimentally know the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent? Dost thou love God? Dost thou love Him with all thy heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy strength; so as to love nothing else but in that manner and degree which tends to increase thy love of Him? Hast thou found happiness in God? Is He the desire of thine eyes, the joy of thy heart? If not, thou hast other gods before Him." John Wesley
When Jesus was tempted by Satan to bow down in worship to him in exchange for all of the glory of the world, His response was "Get you behind me, Satan: for it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve." Luke 4:8 Satan offers the same proposition to each one of us in various forms. Unfortunately, many accept this offer because the lure of the world is more attractive to them than loyalty to God.
God's commandments are for our benefit, not His. When He tells us to have no other gods before Him, He knows that only as we abide in Him can He provide the best for us. In Him alone is the place where we will find life and peace. He wants nothing less for each one of us.
God bless you as you continue in His service.