The scripture for today is Ephesians 4:27

Ephesians 4:27 Neither give place to the devil.

Contrary to the opinion of many, the devil is not capable of overpowering the child of God at will. The very Spirit of Christ lives within the hearts of those who have surrendered their lives to Christ. Satan is a defeated foe. He has suffered the great "smackdown" of the cross. The place where he sought to find victory over Christ proved to be the place where he was defeated. That place of horrendous death is the place where we find new life. When we embrace the cross, we realize that in Christ we died to sin also. When we have gone to the cross, we no longer live a life that dishonors God. We live a life of righteousness that is evidenced by the presence of Christ and the law of God's love written in our hearts. That which was inscribed in stone is now inscribed in our hearts. Satan hates the law of God and he hates the cross of Christ. He will do everything in his power to keep everyone from embracing them. He wants everyone to continue in sin, which is the transgression of the law: "Whosoever commits sin transgresses also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." 1 John 3:4 And he wants everyone to reject the cross because that is the place where sin was atoned for. The cross is our place of freedom. The devil will do anything to distract and place detours in our path that lead away from the cross of Christ.

Our text today gives us some important insight. We can readily see that in order for the devil to have control or power over us, we must allow him to; we must give place to him. He cannot force us to do anything so he must resort to cunning deceptions to influence us to give him the control that he seeks in our lives. He appeals to our senses and the lusts of the flesh to bring us into compromise with his agenda. That agenda, simply stated, is to draw us away from the cross and the moral law of God. He hates the cross and he hates God's law. Pride led him to reject God's law in heaven where he decided to be a law unto himself. He promotes the same agenda today, influencing those who give place to him to reject both the law of God and the cross of Christ.
As God's children, we embrace the cross and our heart's desire is to live lives that honor God through obedience to His Word. We reject the deceptions of the evil one who would lead us away from the cross of Christ or lead us into disobedience to His moral law. We accept, by faith, that in Christ we died to the old life of sin and have been raised up, with Him, to walk in the newness of life. The enemy of our souls has been exposed and defeated by Jesus Christ, our Savior, who has all power. He has given His authority to us, and as His representatives on earth, we must never give place to the devil.
God bless you as you continue in His service.