The scripture for today is Ephesians 5:20


Ephesians 5:20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God, even the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.


"Crisis reveals character. God sees a greater potential in us. He trusts us with a trial in order that He may polish our potential. God engineers our circumstances for our eternal benefit - working all things together for our good, to conform us to the image of Jesus. As we are tried in the fiery furnace, our faith is purified and fused with patience. Faith eliminates the fog of circumstances. We see God's goodness more clearly, and patience perfects peace in our hearts.


The luster of our faith-life is marred when we murmur about misfortunes. Did our circumstances escape the attention of the One who knows the end from the beginning? Instead of focusing on problems, focus on the goodness and mercy of the Problem-Solver. He will hear from heaven and will reward your faith in Him. He will keep you in perfect peace."  Shelley Quinn, Pressing In To His Presence, p. 39


God bless you as you continue in His service.
