Ezekiel 18:32
The scripture for today is Ezekiel 18:32
Ezekiel 18:32 “For I have no pleasure in the death of one who dies,” says the Lord God. “Therefore, turn and live.”
Death was not God’s intent for man from the beginning. God created mankind to live with Him forever. Death entered the race because of our choice to reject the commands of God thereby embracing sin. Sin separated mankind from the intimate relationship they enjoyed with God, who is the source of life and sustainer of life. But God, in His love and mercy, made provision for us to be redeemed, even though we deserved the wages of sin which we had embraced. He chose to pay the penalty Himself so that we could be released from it. Our part, in receiving forgiveness for our sin, is to repent, exercise faith in His atonement, and turn back to God through the sacrifice offered for us by Christ Jesus.
“Though every man comes into the world with a fallen nature - a soul infected with sin, yet no man is damned on that account. He who refuses that grace which pardons sin and heals infected nature, who permits the evil principle to break out into transgression, and continues and dies in his iniquity and sin, and will not come unto Christ that he may have life; he, and he only, goes to perdition. Nor will the righteousness of a parent or relation help his sinful soul: no man can have more grace than is necessary to save himself; and none can have that, who does not receive it through Christ Jesus. It is the mercy of God in Christ which renders the salvation of a sinner possible; and it is that mercy alone which can heal the backslider. The atoning blood blots out all that is past; the same blood cleanses from all unrighteousness. Who believes so as to apply for this redemption? Who properly thank God for having provided such a Savior?” Adam Clarke
“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
God’s desire has always been for us to live with Him forever; and the provision for eternal life has been made through Christ. May we continually turn from sin and embrace our Savior.
God bless you as you continue in His service.