The scripture for today is Isaiah 33:23
Isa 33:22 For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our King; He will save us.
The declaration of the righteous is in stark contrast to those who live in the vanity of the flesh and treasure a world that is passing away. While the anguish of heartache and sin enclose those who live to please the flesh, the children of God have the promises of the Father to stand on in every situation. Those promises are not passive, they are powerful and the children of God find comfort in knowing that in every situation God is present, and the presence of God is all the security needed by a people of faith.
Knowing that it is the Lord who rules over us and that our lives are sustained by His authority and power, is cause for rejoicing. He is our lawgiver; it is He who determines the standards by which our character reflects His character. God’s law, like Him, is perfect. “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.” Psalms 19:7-10
Keeping His law is the expression of our freedom; freedom from sin and its penalty. It is the law of liberty.  “So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.” James 2:12 With the Lord as our Judge, we have the assurance that He who gave His all for us, will judge righteously. He who has stood with and sustained His people throughout human history, will stand with them in judgment. In Him our lives are secure and our future is secure. 
“O LORD, be gracious unto us; we have waited for you: be their arm every morning, our salvation also in the time of trouble.” Isaiah 33:2
God bless you as you continue in His service.