John 4:36
The scripture for today is John 4:36
John 4:36 And he that reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit unto life eternal: that both he that sows and he that reaps may rejoice together.
"God has need of wise men and women who will labor earnestly to accomplish the work committed to them. He will use them as His instruments in the conversion of souls. Some will sow, and some will reap the harvest of the seed sown. Let every one do his best to improve his talents, that God may use him either as a sower or as a reaper." Gospel Workers, p 410
It is a privilege to be workers in God's field, wherever that field might be. Every soul that is won to Christ is the result of the sower of truth as well as the reaper; it is no more the fruit of reaping as it is of sowing. There can be no reaping without previous sowing. Many often feel that their efforts in being a witness for Christ do not produce much fruit because they do not see the results that is eventually produced in the lives of those to whom they share the good news of Christ. Those seeds of truth, however, have life in them. The sown seed is never without power or consequences. Those who reap receive the joy of seeing lives changed and souls entering the kingdom of God. That joy is not just for the reapers, rather hose who sow and those who reap will rejoice together.
God bless you as you continue in His service.