Leviticus 19_2
September 9
Happy Sunday Everyone,
The scripture for today is Leviticus 19:2
Leviticus 19:2 Speak unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, and say unto them, You shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy.
The imperative of scripture is stated in our text today; God expects us to be like Him. His character is our aspiration. Holiness is not an option; it is a requirement for the child of God. Holiness is not something that we create or manufacture ourselves; it comes from God: we have none whatsoever in our natural sinful state. The only way to be holy is by receiving that which God imparts into the life of one who is surrendered to Him. When people are holy they have ceased to present or to identify with the natural sinful state. They have surrendered to God so that the life of God can be presented instead. God in His very character and nature is holy and all holiness comes from Him. He, by His grace, makes us holy. We become His children and take on His nature; we are His offspring so naturally we should be like Him. That is what the new life is all about. We come to God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and become new creatures through the new birth. The old nature is no longer in control of our lives. Instead, we have the Spirit of God living inside of our hearts and His life of holiness is lived through us as we yield to Him. Holiness identifies those who have truly surrendered their hearts and lives to the Lord, those who have chosen to allow Him to live His life through them.
The requirement that God puts before us is obedience. Not obedience to man, but obedience to God. Loving obedience to God is the experience of true believers and the hallmark of holiness. Jesus is our example and He said, "And He that sent me is with me: the Father has not left me alone; for I do always those things that please Him." John 8:29 Christ is our example in all things regarding this life, and He has demonstrated to us how to live a holy life before the world. May our endeavor be to follow His example and do always those things that please our Heavenly Father. In so doing we, through His sanctifying grace, willl be holy as His holy life is lived through us and the light of the Kingdom of God will shine through us into the darkness of this age.
God bless you as you continue in His service.