The scripture for today is Luke 9:62


Luke 9:62 And Jesus said unto him, no man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.


The proclamation of the gift of salvation through faith in the sacrifice of Christ is a daily occurrence and many hear the Word of truth and respond to it. The enemy, Satan, also watches these events and has a plan to interfere with what God is doing in the lives of those who choose to receive Christ as their Savior. One of the enemy's primary strategies is to draw the convert's attention away from God's purposes, away from the path of life. He does this through the senses. He attempts to cause sensual (fleshly) attraction to something from the past. He makes something from the old life of sin seem attractive in the mind, and through vain thoughts draws the person's desires away from the commitment to God which they have made to a desire for something that produces no lasting satisfaction. They forget how empty the things of the world are and somehow look back at those things as if they were something desirable. The devil is a master deceiver; he makes evil seem good and good undesirable. A person who has been snared in this satanic deception has misplaced values and distorted perceptions of reality. Jesus said that such a person "is not fit for the kingdom of God."


It behooves each one of us to not underestimate our enemy. It also behooves each one of us to not underestimate the desires of the flesh that the enemy uses to distract us from the higher calling that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. The flesh is daily pulling on us, trying to pull us back into thinking, responding, and behaving like the world. God, however, has something much bigger than that for us. He has something much more wonderful, so much more beautiful for us to enjoy. He offers us His very presence and gives us the blessed hope of eternal life in His heavenly kingdom. The world has nothing to offer us but elusive dreams and fantasies of fleshly fulfillment. God offers us His divine peace, everlasting life and eternal joy. As we place our lives into the hands of God, laying hold on His will for us, let us not for a single moment allow the enemy of our souls to distract us into looking back at the rubbish pile called the world and think that there is something good to be found there. "Our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and His righteousness!  On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand."


 God bless you as you continue in His service.
