November 17

Happy Sabbath Everyone,


The scripture for today is Mark 5:36


Mark 5:36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid, only believe.


Jesus spoke these words to a man who had just been informed that the daughter he was seeking healing for had already died. The news must have been devastating. But fortunately he was in the presence of the Master. Being in the presence of the Master makes all of the difference in the world. Being in the presence of the Master can turn a devastating situation into a joyous occasion. Jesus said, “be not afraid, only believe.” He is saying, don't be overcome by the bad news you just received, instead remain in my presence and believe in my power.


The instruction that the Lord gave to this man is given to us all. It is particularly important to those of us living at this time in earth's history. The time has come and now is when the attacks of the evil one will intensify and seemingly impossible situations will confront us. But the presence of Christ and His word undergird those who are His. The words of Christ are not suggestions; they are commands given for our good. When we are instructed by the Lord to do a thing, we do it in order to be aligned with His will. His will is for us to "be not afraid, only believe."


Jesus went home with the man and did indeed find his daughter dead. But to Christ, the giver of life, no obstacle is too great. His love and compassion reached out to this man and his daughter.  The dead girl was raised to life again! This same Jesus is alive today and His love and compassion for us are just as great. He said that He would "never leave you or forsake you." Hebrews 13:5  'Be not afraid, only believe' and the Master will meet your needs also.


God bless you as you continue in His service.
