The scripture for today is Matthew 25:21


Matthew 25:21 His lord said unto him, Well done, you good and faithful servant: you have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things: enter into the joy of your lord.


In the parable of the talents found in Matthew 25, Jesus points out several things. Talents (the goods of the master) were given to each servant. One servant received five talents; another received two talents; and another received one talent. They were not given equally, but each one received something. They received according to what the master knew each could handle. The talents were not the property of the servants, they belonged to the master. The servant who received five talents put them to use and, because of his faithfulness, received five additional talents. The servant who received two talents also put his to good use and his talents doubled. The servant who received one talent did not put his talent to good use, but rather buried it, completely hid it away, and it produced nothing.  


The talents, when properly used, had the ability to grow and multiply. All of this was a gift from the master. The servant who received one talent could have doubled his gift if he had used it properly. He would then have had two talents. And, if he had continued to use those two talents, the two would have become four, and the four could have become eight, and so on. His perception of the gift was what caused him to not appreciate what the master had given him. He compared himself to the other servants, and because he viewed others as more "talented" than himself, he failed to appreciate and use the valuable gift that the master had given him.


God has blessed each one of us with unique gifts and abilities. Each of us has a God given assignment that can only be accomplished by utilizing what He has given us. And when we use what has been given to us, it multiplies and grows. If we do not use what has been given to us, not only does it not grow but others do not get the benefit of the spiritual riches entrusted to us. The world desperately needs the benefit of the riches of God's gifts flowing from the lives of His children. Only as we are faithful in what He has provided will we grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ. The world will have the benefit of seeing Christ in His church and we will be able to hear Him say upon His return, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."


God bless you as you continue in His service.
