Matthew 25:40
The scripture for today is Matthew 25:40
Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Since you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.
Christ is the King and He considers those who follow in His steps to be His brethren. Jesus identifies so closely with those who are His that He considers anything that is done to them to be done to Him. While we assert our love for God and our love for Christ, we often do not express the same love for His children. We cannot love God and not love His children because the Father and the Son are resident in the hearts of those who place their belief and trust in Him. "Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him." John 14:23 From the perspective of heaven, anything done to a follower of Christ is done to Christ. This should be the guiding principle in the treatment of others. People are often judged by their economic status, education, position or perceived importance. Those who are highly esteemed are accorded the best treatment. Those who are less thought of are treated with less attention or ignored altogether. The poor and down trodden may seem dispensable in the eyes of man, but they are precious in the eyes of God. To despitefully treat the poor is, in many instances, despiteful treatment of Christ. Ultimately we must all stand before the King and give an account of the deeds we have done, whether they are good or bad. We must prepare for that day now by allowing the Spirit of Christ to live within our hearts and move us with the same compassion that Christ showed while He lived on earth. He wants to continue His ministry to the world through those who are His. He will not force us to do anything, but if we surrender to Him He will lead us into paths of righteousness. Jesus is interested in the welfare of all mankind; He gave His life for every human being irrespective of their social or economic status; He loves us all. If we are to be like Him we must live like Him, with the same heart of love and compassion, realizing that the brother or sister standing in our midst, with needs that we are able to meet, should be treated as Christ Himself. Love for Him compels us to do so.
God bless you as you continue in His service.