Matthew 7:3
The scripture for today is Matthew 7:3
Matthew 7:3 And why behold you the speck that is in your brother's eye, but consider not the beam that is in your own eye?
Nathan, the prophet, confronted king David with the story of a man who had taken the only lamb of a neighbor, cooked it and served it to his guests when he himself had a large flock of sheep from which to choose. David became outraged and condemned the man to death. Nathan then informed the king, "you are the man." 2 Samuel 12:7 Too often we are quick to condemn others when we, ourselves, are dealing with much greater issues. Most human beings tend to be critical of others while overlooking the defects in their own character. The person who should be seen the clearest, yourself, is excused while those who are at a distance, and not so easily discerned, are condemned.
Jesus, in our text today, asks a pointed question. Why don't we look at our own faults, which are often large, but rather focus on the relatively small faults of others? If we do not first take care of that which hinders us, we are not in a position to judge others. The work of the flesh is most pronounced when we overlook our own deficiencies while attacking others with lesser issues. Only as we recognize our own shortcomings and come to the cross of Christ in humility, seeking the grace of God to cleanse us and make us whole, are we in a spiritual condition where we can lead others to the cross to find that same delivering grace. Only as we surrender to the Spirit of God can we see with the eyes of faith. As we allow God to control our lives, we will no longer look at ourselves or others according to the flesh. We give all judgment to God and He will bring about His plan and purpose for our lives and use us to speak life into the lives of others.
Judging others is the work of the flesh; surrender to God is the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Through heart surrender to the Spirit of God, we will not only be directed into God's way of dealing with ourselves, we will see more clearly how to lend assistance to others who might also be struggling. Let us make God our priority and His will our focus. As we come daily into the light of His presence, we will avoid the works of the flesh and condemning others for their faults will not be our agenda. We will be consumed by the desire to please God and to walk humbly before Him.
God bless you as you continue in His service.