Philippians 3:14
The scripture for today is Philippians 3:14
Philippians 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
The apostle Paul is using the analogy of a foot race to make his point. "The mark means, properly, the object set up at a distance at which one looks or aims; and hence the goal, or post which was set up at the end of a race-course, and which was to be reached in order that the prize might be won." Albert Barnes The prize which we seek is not the applause of the crowd or the accolades of men. We do not seek that which is temporary and fading away; we seek the One who is eternal and who offers everlasting rewards. While the world offers temporary pleasures and distractions, there is nothing good in them and certainly nothing that has the remedy for the longing of our souls. Worldly pleasures come and go, leaving nothing but a fading memory and bondage to the desire to replicate the "feeling."
There is only one objective worth pursuing. It is the eternal reward offered by the Father through His Son Jesus Christ. The value of that prize cannot be calculated in earthly terms. We could never attain it through human effort; it must be received through obedient surrender to God's plan and purpose. Jesus Christ is our objective; He alone provides us access into the very presence of the Father. He alone secures our place in His heavenly kingdom. Through the continual surrender of our hearts to Christ we find the strength to run the race. It is His presence that provides the strength to endure and finish the course. A runner cannot be focused on anything but the race and the objective. Finishing our course "in Christ" is our objective. Yes, we will run into opposition, but Christ is greater than any force that comes to hinder us. As we press toward the mark, Jesus clears the way. When we remain in Him, relying upon Him and not our own strength, victory is assured.
God bless you as you continue in His service.