The scripture for today is Proverbs 3:9
Proverbs 3:9 Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase.
Everything that we have is a gift from God. He created the world and all that is in it. Nothing is here by accident; it is here by God’s design. It is also God’s design to bless His people with good things. “Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.” Psalms 103:5 "But the upright shall have good things in possession.” Proverbs 28:10
When the Lord has blessed us out of His abundance, it is our privilege to honor Him with those good things that He has given to us. By so doing, we acknowledge before heaven and earth that God is the source of our supply and that we are grateful to Him for His provisions for our lives. To withhold the offering of blessing is to present an ungrateful heart and broken fellowship with our Provider.  
God does not need what we offer to Him; He is the source of it in the first place. But we need to offer our offerings of thanksgiving to acknowledge that we appreciate the kindness and generosity of our Heavenly Father. As we come to Him with grateful hearts, acknowledging that He is the source of our supply, He receives our offering and blesses what we have left. Our increase with the blessing of the Lord is worth far more than great riches with a curse.
There is no lack in God and those who are His can trust Him to do what is good and right in every situation. We may not always understand why God does some things the way that He does, but we have the assurance that everything that He does is designed to produce in us eternal good. He has given to us, let us return gifts to honor Him, and be generous to others.
God bless you as you continue in His service.