Psalm 139:17
The scripture for today is Psalm 139:17
Psalms 139:17 How precious also are your thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them!
"When we remember that God thought upon us from old eternity, continues to think upon us every moment, and will think of us when time shall be no more, we may well exclaim, "How great is the sum!" Thoughts such as are natural to the Creator, the Preserver, the Redeemer, the Father, the Friend, are evermore flowing from the heart of the Lord. Thoughts of our pardon, renewal, upholding, supplying, educating, perfecting, and a thousand more kinds perpetually well up in the mind of the Most High. It should fill us with adoring wonder and reverent surprise that the infinite mind of God should turn so many thoughts towards us who are so insignificant and so unworthy! ... But a God always thinking of us makes a happy world, a rich life, a heavenly hereafter." The Treasury of David
It is the privilege of the redeemed to ponder the wonderful thoughts of God. His Word reveals His heart toward us. We understand through His Word His love for us and His heart of love is thinking of us continuously. As His children, redeemed by the blood of Christ, we can appreciate the wonderful love of God even if we cannot fully comprehend it. Through Christ we become what we were not and because He lives in us, we can think and live a life of love also. We can think heavenly thoughts because we have a heavenly Father giving them to us.
God bless you as you continue in His service.