Psalms 128:1-2
The scripture for today is Psalms 128:1-2
Psalms 128:1-2 Blessed is every one that fears the LORD; that walks in His ways. For you shall eat the labor of your hands: happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you.
God promises blessings to those who live in reverential fear of Him, those who honor Him with their lives. People often think that wealth is the source of happiness. It has been documented time and again that those who are the wealthiest are not those who are the happiest. True happiness comes from God alone. It is through His presence in a life that happiness becomes a reality. "Only those who are truly holy, are truly happy." Matthew Henry Happiness and joy are by-products of a loving relationship with our heavenly Father. This relationship comes through Christ who brings us to the Father through His sacrifice on our behalf. God has made provision for us to be blessed and happy in this life and to also receive eternal joy in the life to come.
The work of the hands of the righteous produces increase without sorrow, while those who reject Christ (the source of righteousness) have sorrow and strife as they amass material possessions. "The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." Proverbs 10:22 The riches provided by the Lord go beyond material wealth. He gives riches through His blessings which cannot be measured in money. True happiness cannot be purchased with wealth; it is received as a gift from God by those who love Him. It is through the power of faith that the ability to walk in His ways is created and sustained. Faith, stimulated by the love of God, produces in us a walk with God that is consistent with the steps of Christ. Christ is our example. All that He did on earth He did as a man with complete faith in His heavenly Father. Through His obedience He became the perfect sacrifice for our sin. And because His perfect life and sacrifice was given on behalf of all mankind, we can now walk in God's ways through Him. The blessings of the obedient are given to the followers of Christ by the grace of God. "Happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you."
God bless you as you continue in His service.