The scripture for today is Psalms 147:3
Psalms 147:3 He heals the broken in heart and binds up their wounds.
Everyone who comes to God, comes to Him in a condition of brokenness, recognizing their need for help that is beyond their ability. This condition is never rejected by the Lord; His arms are opened to those who are broken and in need of healing. “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.” Psalms 51:17
Those who do not recognize their condition and see no need for the Great Physician are the ones who are in the greatest peril. “When Jesus heard it, he said unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.”  Mark 2:17  
When we recognize that sin has brought sickness into our lives and that we are in a broken condition, in need of healing, God is able to do His work in us. A doctor cannot treat a patient who does not come for treatment. Jesus is the "Great Physician;" we have a standing invitation to come to Him. His “waiting room” is always open and never too crowded; we are ushered into His presence immediately when we come to Him. Although we know that there are many others needing His attention, He treats us as if we are the only one He has to see at that moment. And when He treats our condition, we are not the same as we were when we came in. The gentle loving touch of the Great Physician has changed our outlook and our condition is no longer debilitating; it is being healed. He treats our wounds and they are no longer gaping sores; they have been anointed and bandaged. The exposure to the destructive germs of this world has been remedied and healing is taking place. We receive new life for the old broken and wounded one, and joy instead of distress and pain.
The more we recognize our condition, the more we seek His presence. The Great Physician is always “on-call” and He is mighty to save, heal, and deliver.  He awaits our visits and joyfully receives His own.
God bless you as you continue in His service. Please click on the link below to view an important message.

Some significant questions to ponder.